Solar Still Water Bottle Company

I. Table of Contents

II. Executive Summary

III. General Company Description
In a survival situation we are often quick to find that water is the limiting factor for how long we can survive. Having enough clean drinking water, free of chemical and biological contamination can mean the difference between life and death. Without an adequate intake of fresh water to replace water lost through bodily processes, the efficiency of the survivor decreases rapidly to the point where unconsciousness or death may occur.

Damp EarthBut there are occasions when there seems to be no water available, however, if there is an abundance of sun and you have your survival kit with you, all is not lost. You can make a solar still. It is a little known fact that often there is as much water flowing underneath the stream bed as there was flowing on top during non-drought periods. This water is slowly percolating between the interstitial voids of the stream bed and is generally out of sight except where pools form due to bedrock or clay barriers.

Witha Solar Still Water Bottle, you can tap into this underground source of water by simply digging a hole and allowing it fill with water. On other occasions the material will only be damp and there is no water that you can simply scoop up for a refreshing drink.

The Solar Still Instructions
1. Dig a hole into the damp gravel about 3-ft deep and 1ft in diameter.
2. Place an empty container in the middle of the hole and then cover the hole with your clear plastic sheet.
3. Place stones or piles of earth on the outer edge of the plastic to hold it in place.
4. Take counterwieght and place it in the middle of the plastic pushing plastic apex over the cup to make a 45 degree angle.
5. Once the center stone is in place, cover the entire outer edge of the plastic sheet with material so that the seal is air tight. It is important that you make a good tight seal so that the evaporating water does not escape.

The Solar Still Water Bottle works within a short time as the clear plastic sheet is cloudy with tiny droplets of water . The plastic covering has turned the damp hole into a sort of greenhouse, trapping the rays of the sun to produce heat. As the moisture within the hole evaporates, it condenses on underside of the plastic sheet and then runs down, drop by drop, into the container.

The solar still may be used to distill fresh water from chemically polluted water as long as the contaminants do not condense with the water onto the plastic sheet which is why urine can be turned to fresh water, as the various salts and ammonia etc are left behind as the water evaporates.

IV. Products and Services
V. Marketing Plan
VI. Operational Plan
VII. Management and Organization
VIII. Personal Financial Statement
IX. Startup Expenses and Capitalization
X. Financial Plan
XI. Appendices
XII. Refining the Plan