Bike Company

I. Table of Contents

II. Executive Summary

III. General Company Description
The company offers a paradigm shift in thinking by promoting a natural, healthier eco-conscience lifestyle by commuting on a bike the majority of the time. The company will offer two primarily products. First is a simple, efficient bicycle with a focus on the commuter’s needs including safety, storage, and ability to dissembled quickly for travel. Second is a service oriented website offering an array of resources to help with commuter links, national challenge teams, fitness information, nutritional tools, and weekend adventures.

IV. Products and Services
First is a simple, efficient bicycle with a focus for the commuter such as safety, storage, and ability to dissembled quickly for travel.

Second is a service oriented website offering an array of resources to help with commuter links, national challenge teams, fitness information, nutritional tools, and weekend adventures. Included on the website Services;

V. Marketing Plan
The U.S. bicycle industry was a $6 billion industry in 2008, including the retail value of bicycles, related parts, and accessories through all channels of distribution, according to research funded by the National Sporting Goods Association. This included 13.4M bikes sold with a wheel size greater than 20”.
Bicycle sales are through four primary and distinct channels of distribution;
· Specialty bicycle retailer (17% of bicycles, 5o% of the dollars w/ average price of $500)
· Mass merchant (74% of bicycles, 35% of the dollars w/ average price of $80)
· Full-line sporting goods stores (6% of bicycles, 9% of the dollars w/ average price of $255)
· Other including multi-sport stores such as REI, internet, and mail order sales delivered by mail. (3% of bicycles, 5% of the dollars w/ average price of $425

VI. Operational Plan
VII. Management and Organization
VIII. Personal Financial Statement
IX. Startup Expenses and Capitalization
X. Financial Plan
XI. Appendices
XII. Refining the Plan